Bemoan that other things aren't getting attention, but permit things to be what they are." --Pete Wolfendale "I was having a meeting at a network that will remain - Starz - and when the executives there I was pitching a five year arc and he was grousing and saying 'All these writers come in saying they want to do a five year arc but they can never pull it off. Until such time, I am willing to be patient with people." --The Doctor "My theology, briefly, casino babu88 is that the universe was dictated but not signed." --Christopher Morley "EXTREMELY SERIOUS WARNING AND GENERAL ASS COVERING: "This is completely alpha software. It hasn't even been tested properly. "It will almost certainly destroy all your data then come round your house, empty any the bags of flour all over the kitchen, kick in your TV, scratch the screen of your iPod Nano, get jam fingerprints on your favourite limited edition 'Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies' CDs and then urinate in your laundry basket.