10 Incredible Facts About the Human Brain You Didn’t Know
10 Incredible Facts About the Human Brain You Didn’t Know
Ezra Quinn
01.16 18:34
Our human brain is among the most complex organs in the human body, and researchers are still uncovering fascinating things about it constantly. Here are ten fascinating fun facts regarding the human brain that might surprise you.
Your brain is more active while you sleep. Surprisingly, the brain works harder at night than while you're awake. This is because it organizes and processes information and solidifies memories.
No pain receptors in the brain itself. Even though the brain is responsible for processing pain throughout the body, it doesn’t feel pain directly. Surgeries on the brain can be done with the patient awake because of this.
Your brain generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb. At rest, your brain can generate about 23 watts of electricity. That’s enough to power a small lightbulb!
The myth of the '10% brain usage' is false. It’s a common misconception that humans only use 10% of their brain, but scientists have disproven this. In fact, nearly 100% of your brain are active at some point.
The brain contains billions of nerve cells. The brain is packed, there are around 86 billion of them, all working together to transmit information in real time.
The brain is more adaptable than you think. Your brain can rewire itself, a process called neuroplasticity. Learning something new, or healing from damage, your brain modifies and forms new connections.
The brain consumes a large portion of your energy. Even though the brain is only 2% of your body weight, it consumes about 20% of your energy reserves.
You begin losing neurons as early as your 20s. It’s surprising, but, people start losing memory-forming neurons begins in the late twenties. But you won’t likely notice memory loss until later in life.
No two brains are the same. Just like fingerprints, every brain is entirely unique. No two brains function or are structured identically.
The brain struggles with multitasking. Many people believe they are multitasking, the brain actually switches between tasks quickly rather than doing them simultaneously.