A portable ramp is an easy way to make steps or inclines more accessible to wheelchairs. They are lightweight and foldable and come in different lengths to accommodate different mobility devices.
They are typically found at local hardware and construction stores. You can consult a home evaluator like an physical or occupational therapist to determine the right ramp for your requirements.
Foldable Ramps
Even a simple step or curb could be a problem for those who utilize a scooter or wheelchair to move about. A portable ramp could give the user access to their homes, workplaces, events and other places.
There are a variety of portable ramps. Each has distinct advantages and disadvantages. But they all serve the same purpose in assisting users with mobility aids to get to the place they need. Ramps are available in different lengths and angles, allowing them to be used for the most difficult steps or slopes as well as other obstacles.
The ramps that fold fold are easy to store and transport. These ramps come in single-folded, double-folded or tri-folded designs. They are typically constructed of aluminum, which is light and durable. They are designed with high-traction surfaces that reduce the risk of falling in any weather. They also have carrying handles to make it easier for people in a wheelchair or scooter to carry them around and shift them when required.
Other types of portable ramps include those that are rolled up and can be placed in a van or vehicle. They are also easy to transport and store, however, they don't offer the benefit of being easily moved from one location to another and relocated between different locations when needed.
When you are choosing a portable ramp take into consideration the recommended loaded incline for that ramp. A ramp that is too steep can be dangerous as it forces wheelchair or scooter users to having to exert a lot of strength and effort in order to climb up the slope. It could also cause the wheels to lose grip which could cause a fall, or make it difficult for the user to determine their direction of travel on the ramp.
Threshold mobile ramps for wheelchairs uk are a different accessible ramp that is used to cross small thresholds between buildings or rooms. These ramps are particularly helpful in homes with low doorways that are difficult to navigate for people on mobility scooters or wheelchairs.
Modular Ramps
A modular ramp system allows homeowners to adjust the height and length of their wheelchair ramp. This allows them to be in compliance with ADA guidelines without the need to make a permanent concrete or structural change to their home. You can also choose from a variety of ramp widths and handrail designs, as well as traction. Modular ramps can be powder coated with a color that matches the house. They are a great option for those who require temporary wheelchair ramps access or require a permanent ramp they can easily move if they sell their home.
If you're considering a modular ramp, you'll have to first determine the rise of the curb or sidewalk you'll be putting it on. You can measure the ramp slope percentage or use an online calculator. Once you know the ramp slope percentage you can decide which ramp sections to purchase based on the length of a rise you require. You can pick between straight ramps, L-shaped ramps, or even an incline ramp that switches back.
You'll need the modular ramp components to assemble them. You can install it yourself or employ a professional. There are some manufacturers that provide a kit with everything you need to build your own modular ramp. Follow the manufacturer's directions when constructing your ramp and ensure that you use the tools that come with your ramp.
If you're buying a portable ramp for wheelchairs with a trifold design it will fold in half in both the length and width of the ramp to make it easier to transport it into your vehicle. These kinds of ramps are great for those who require a longer ramp that's still lightweight and easy to handle. If you want to be more flexible you can select an telescopic ramp that expands or shortens to fit your desired height. They are also extremely light and come with non-skid grips that allow you to transport them with ease.